by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


The Times They Are for Changin'

Have you noticed how many of your friends, family, lovers, students, enemies are going through life altering transitions, beginning to grow, or take juicy risks, or tragically and betrayingly regress in the last months? Well, I have. The stars are in on it. There's Cosmic Change JuJu afoot. I'm surfing it. But the waves have reefs under them. When you (meaning I) throw your life open to What's Next?, that new openness can bring up some old shadows in yourself or the people around you. This recently happened to me. Some very old friends regressed to believing in their projections of me more than in my own autonomous existence.

So, to lay some good JuJu over bad, I offer this flying pig, symbol of the possible impossible, avatar of spritely adventure, guardian of your joy and moxy as you too surf the twinkling and turbulent waters of your transitions.

Been dreaming a dream you haven't felt brave enough to realize? This would be a good year, for most of us, to realize it. Take this Flying Pig and go forth.

I also, again, thank Lioness for gifting me this magic piggy to remind me that I have a talent for the impossible, and for not letting the selfish-myopic-twits get me down.

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