by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


CoL XIII: What She Said

The link is to Lizard Princess's blog. She's right. Right on. In CoL, love and humanity matter. In CoD, classification matters. This is simplistic, this binary, but let me be clear: the matter of whom one loves/lusts simply cannot be a reasonable basis for social decisions, policy, or law. The homophobes of today are the antimicegenists of yesterday. Remember when the social fabric would unravel with furious anger should blacks and whites love and reproduce? Remember then? How the children of these matings would grow up warped, psychotic, damaged beyond repair (by the 'phobes attitudes, ntl). Remember what total and complete horseshit that notion turned out to be? How may children of micegenation do we currently adulate in our popular and politcal culture? Quick, imperfect review in my head counts at least 17, which I'm sure is low. Has the world gone to hell? Gosh, no, Jack, it hasn't.

What is the improvement in the logic of these "marraige protection" arguments? That is a rhetorical question.

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