by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Last Day of Work

On my last day of work, this is my koan-scope from Brezsny, and I'm glad of it:
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): "Women are traps that lay for men
everywhere," said Franz Kafka, "in order to drag them into the infinite." If
you find this idea sexist or heterosexist, formulate your own version. One
way or another, you need to get lured or yanked into a bracing experience
of boundless possibilities . . . into a delightfully shocking immersion in
eternal truth . . . into a whirlwind tour of sublime, brain-scrambling
beauty. If an uncanny woman will do the job for you, great. If an amazing
man works better, or maybe a magical member of an in-between gender,
seek that person out. Play hard with the limitless, Scorpio.
OK, Infinite/Sublime/True/Brain-Scrambling/Beautiful Expereinces, Here I AM! Olly-Olly Oxen-Free!

Also, this from a student, which all good teachers should get, so I'm sharing it with you in case your students are shy. ...

Just going to say something quite quickly because I feel that I need to and
the fact that if I dont this will bug me for a few months and I really do
not wish to deal with that. Anyway I just wanted to say farewell it was a
pleasure taking your class. I must say you are an interesting personality
and quite a good teacher. I have checked my list and you now hold the
number 3 spot out of my top five favorite teachers of all time list. I know
it is quite an honor but please contain the excitement. I think your class
was quite wonderful because not only was it fun and interesting you also
gave a fair amount of work which kept me on my toes. Never before have I
found a teacher that struck such a perfect balance between the
fun/interesting and work. You are a great teacher and it is a shame to see
you leave but I hope after you acomplish your book or novella or whatever
you wish to call it you return to teaching because it would be a shame for
you to give up the craft which you have perfected. So farewell, it was fun,
not easy, and I will always remember that class with fond memories because
unlike so many other classes I do not hold any regrets nor harbor ill-will
towards those evenings spent within your class. Have fun and good luck with
all you do.

I am humbled. It's reason I've done this: to make sure that learning is Learning, and that play is part of it. Since this student and I are both in love with rain, I promise, one way or another, I'll be teaching. Now, you go be your badass self too!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless it, the end! The Beginning!!