by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Well, Hell and I have a theme here, really

So, yeh, my ruling planet, Pluto, formerly god of death and transformation, rapist/partner (depends on your myth) of the ever so clever Persephone (who emerges from her tour in Hades a very powerful goddess indeed), has just been demoted to a, ahem, dwarf planet. Now, given the nature of the scorpio -- familiarity with ambiguity, openness to transformation -- this is just fine. Besides, you can "demote" the most powerful force in the universe all you want, good luck with that. Things change. No change, no transcendence. Just so long as scorpios don't go back to being ruled my Mars... really does not fit the bill. --- Of course, this is astrology we're talking about here. Science doesn't have much to do with it.

PLAN B will now be available w/o prescription!!!! At last, some science happens at the FDA!!! Now, if we could just get some more science behind the counter, where the pills will be kept, and dispensed at the will and moral conviction of the pharmacist. Have a chat with yours today. Not pro-choice, your pharmacist? Get your 'scripts at another pharmacy.

But,the AP article worries that statutory rapists will force their minor sexual partners to use it. --- Again, Class, technology is morally neutral, only its use is morally charged. Want adults to stop having sex with minors, stop sexualizing minors in the media, and then arrest these adults. Some parenting might also be in order. Some real serious and full-blown sexual and relationship education might also be in order. Once people have a deep respect for sexuality and human emotion, they might stop treating both like Nerf balls. As a scorpio, I say all this with some authority. ;-)

Also, dreams. Twice in last months I have moved to New York in my dream-life. Once, to an appartment with flimsy, shoved-my-arm-through-them, external doors. Clearly not about NY, but about some sense of vulnerability in my awake-life (which was clear as a bell). Then, to fifth floor walk up in the Bowery (sort of, you know dreams), which opened with a magic bendy key. In this dream, I found a horse running loose in Central Park, and convinced it to come home to my new place where it would be safe and well cared for. Which the horse did, just walked along with me natural as can be. We got to the building's front door, and I woke up -- because even in My dream-life, getting a horse into a fifth floor walk-up is just tooooooo illogical. But, there's something about moving and about finding what I need in that dream, and something about horses (which represent power, sexuality, partnership -- and in this case, the parts of me that I need to tend to/care for), all to the good there. Change, transformation, good luck stopping that you pesky astronomers! ;-P

Now, why are both of the those dreams set, by my Inner Film Director, in New York????? My mise en scene is not usually that city, or any identifiable city for that matter. Hmmmm.

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