by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Another Fun Electric Car

The Tango T600. Wierd looking little thing, a bit like the cockpit of a fighter jet really, a perfect commuter car. (Look, no matter how Adventurous you feel in your SUV, you are still commuting to your desk job.)

Electric cars were created as far back as 1900. (sniff sniff ... petroleum cartels)

Now, what'cha do is put solar panels on the roofs of all the non-historical buildings in the US, from the strip malls to the sky scrapers, all of them. "But, it will cost too much to run the cables, to collect the energy, to get into to the grid." What-ever. It's costs a lot to build log cabins on the moon, and it costs a lot to get bogged down in Iraq, it costs a lot to run all the cables for cable TV. This is our future we're talking about here. Global warming can s*uck some, or it can be up there with the locusts/blood in the rivers/frogs smiting the borders.

Have you given any serious thought to crop cycles yet? Have you?

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