Hey, hey, hey! Get your supercool, exclusive, limited time offer WordSpace T-shirts!! For sale at, you guessed it,
our Texas UnBound Summer Festival. The front image is of our peerless founder, Robert Trammell, who passed away this spring. These shirts are a tribute to him, and should be worn in that spirit. Text below image reads: Another Freedom. The shirts were designed by David Searcy and his SO Nancy ?? (I have never learned Nancy's last name, blasted contemporary informality). Nancy is a great artist, so I'll get her surname and point you to her work.

Here's the back. All shirts are black with muted red silk screen, all sizes, women's and men's styles, a mere $20, profits go to fund honoraria for writers and performers presented through WordSpace. Long live El Bob!
No, you cannot have my lucky horseshoe. No freaking way. That thing missed my head at a really crucial moment one day when Yours Truly was about nine years old. Get your own near-death-lucky-horseshoe.
how much are the shirts?
They're $20, but we're not selling them on the web, only at the festival here in Dallas. If you're here, and you come to the show, you can get one.
Be well. -- SR.
I just re-read this post. Is there a not-really crucial moment?
No, SB, you silly deployer of adverbs, there is NOT a not-really crucial moment.
Hey - I think it's Nancy Rebal.
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