by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


La Reunion Artist Residencies in Dallas

Under "Dallas Toys" there are links to the La Reunion Project and their blog. La Reunion is a non-organization working to build an artists residency center for all manner of artists and writers, with residencies lasting from a week to a year, lots of flexibility in terms of the terms of applications. The center will be located on 35 acres in Oak Cliff. Sounds heavenly, and just like what Dallas needs so very desperately: a place for art and artists that is dedicated to that purpose and not just the crumbs and corners of the city. Brava! Bravo! Brave Pioneers in the Dallas Arts Scene!!! NOTE BENE: This Saturday, they're having a volunteer land clean up session. Bring water, energy bars, and work gloves, and wear clothes you do not love. Goes from 8 am to Noon. Like I said, this is a non-profit, and that means they / we have to move our own trash and junk off the site. Come Help!! I'll see you there. Info. on the site about location.

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