by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Climate Change = No More Wine?

I paused over the article in the news the other day: climate change could destroy vinards. No more wine. No more Wine!!?? I find it helpful to switch all subjunctive verbs (could, for instance) to the declarative in regard to CC. So, "could" became "will" ... will destory vinards.

There a more proportional sense of urgencey in the delcarative voice.

And you know, I who usually work out implications lickety-quicksliver, had Completely Not Thought of That. Wine that is. Which, is embarassing given what I know about bark eating beatles getting in two generations per year with the reduced severity of winter and gobbling up the old growth forests and every other cedar they can find and chew to bits. Trees are the planet's lungs, so this is a problem. As I continue to obsess over An Inconvenient Truth and both previous and subsequent hippage on the climate-thing.

I will miss wine. I will miss many things about my climate of origin. Like everything. So, I give you this billboard, over at
Princess's Flooded Lizard Kingdom, a woman and a blog with a social conscience worth aspiring to. On many issues. But today, gaze and assimilate the good research over there about how to shave off some of your environmental footprint.

Does missing wine sound selfish? Yes. Because, It Is. The suffering headed our way should we not stop, drop, roll and get it together will be, quite simply, biblical in scale and degree. So me whining about a dearth of good Bordeaux really isn't sur le point.

Dig this squares (that is, those who are still trying to fudge the science for the sake of A. Laziness/Privilege, B. Inornance (willful), D. Whacko-matic, Not Even Wrong "Religious" tenets, and/or D. Profit (and you last, Dante is working out a new circle for you): It's not the planet we need to save: it's us. Like George Carlin cracked it in response to the declaration of Earth Day back in the '70s when I was coming up :

"Save the earth? F*ck the earth. SAVE US!" All hail the GC and snippy-snap sense of syntax. Hey, GC, time for some Tshirts, man.

Earth? Earth will just go do Something Else once She shakes off the nuisance we have become, like dogs with blood-full ticks : one good shake, good riddance.

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