by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Get Smart!

Them: What is that thing?
Me: It's a Smart car made by Mercedes-Benz.
Them: It's so cute! But I wouldn't want to get hit by a Yukon in that thing.
Me: What would you want to get hit by a Yukon in?
The Smart Car is really coming! I love these things. They are the automotive antithesis of the Leonberger. But, I saw one with a huge sheep dog in the rear compartment in Paris, so I know I can drive this car And take my future dog along in comfort!

Read about how they drive/handle here.

I love this photo: Smart vs. Avalanche. Now, pause, just consider the syntax of these monikers adjoined thus. Just think about it.

Also, it's Smart, but not as smart as the Texas UnBound Summer Literary Festival, live, musical, poetic, fictional, performative, dramatic, and in a nice cool basement at the Undermain Theater. Oh yes. Beat the heat, cool your head.

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