by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Searching for Noah's Ark

"There's this idea, if we can prove that the ark existed then we can prove that the story existed, and more importantly, we can prove that God existed," said Bruce Feiler, author of "Where God Was Born."
SB shakes head in sorrow.

Two major sets of problems here:

Set One, the finding of a boat proves the finding of a boat. The story clearly exists, in written form, in the Bible. The Events in the Story are at issue. Getting from "we have a boat here and it's really old" to "God exists" is a leap so huge it's Not Even Wrong. Generously, and given some carbon dating, which many Christians don't believe is remotely accurate, it could be Noah's ark, and I would be delighted if it were (all in the subjunctive mood of possiblities, hopes, dreams).

Set Two, the unique and sublime nature of faith seems to need clarification for many people both here in the US and Abroad. Faith requires nonrationality, it requires a lack of verifiable evidence, it requires that we offer ourselves up to it and question ourselves --- NOT THE THING IN WHICH WE HAVE FAITH. Proving God, proving the miracles reported in the Torah, the Gospel, the Koran, the Mahabharata, the Vedas, the stories of the Buddha, PROVING THEM destroys faith and converts it to Knowledge -- the province of the Enlightment, philosophy, science, rationality, verifiablity.

The two don't work on the same method or premise. Faith begins with belief, "a leap of faith," and knowledge begins with skepticism, "scientific method";--- Which Does Not Leap. And that, Class, is really A-OK. Humans are complex enough, strong enough, smart enough, and ensouled enough to hold both modes of engaging life in themselves at the same time. Really. Relax.

Religion and faith answer to one aspect of our humanity; Science and reason answer to another aspect of our humanity. That's all. Breathe. There you go.

But, should this thing turn out to maybe be the Ark, well, how awesomely cool is that!?!

SB dances happily around her desk. Then sits back down, sighs, and remembers: Given what I learned watching An Inconvenient Truth, lots of folks need to start building themselves some Arks.

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