by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


The Fourth Estate Warned to Grow A Spine

Rabbi Lerner of Tikkun sent this over the list:
[Editorial note: We hope the people who did this spoof on the NY Times and Tom Friedman don't get sued or go to jail, because this is some of the funniest and at the same time smartest things that have come down the pike in a long time. Send it to your friends. Apparently someone (with a lot of money--that same amount probably would have kept Tikkun funded for another few years) printed a million copies of this bogus issue trying to appear to be the NY Times and had them distributed free throughout NYC....]
Here's the link. What I love is just how much I want to see most of those headlines. And Friedman's editorial is a scream!!!!

Smiles to you!

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