by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Good Things and an Irritation

I'm learning more about my friends. In some cases, what I'm learning makes me sad or angry on their behalf; and in others, we're just discovering slowly that it's good to find like soul; and in others, we are finding deeper kinds of comfort.

If you read this, face Dallas and send a tired woman lots of love and strength.

It's amazing to me how trained we are to go to friends and lovers for consolation, for a source of easing life's confusions and terrors. On one hand, these people are sources of consolation, and on the other, they are the loving sources of confusion and terror that make us bigger and better. But, what's really interesting is that no matter how old I get, how much complicated life I live, I have this illusion that new people in my life will be sources of consolation, and never a challenge to my established habits. Of course, there is no evidence for this illusion, and that's a good thing.

Jobs. I am applying for jobs. More jobs than ever, ever, since ever in my areas of 20th Century Poetry, Poetics, and Feminist Philosophy. Ten so far, and six more I tracked down today.

I am very much in danger of getting my hopes up.

I have great little stories to write and illustrate with photos of the trip to London and the conference and lovely Co-Editor's town and self. Irritation: I can re-size the photos becuase Picasa doesn't have a good way to do that, and I can't get Picture Manager to talk to my photos. There are also pics to send my aunt, and I can't do anything with them either. Gah.

So, thanks cosmos. This is working.

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