by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Binden v. Palin at Wash U

Biden committed many fewer sins of talking point repetition than Palin, or McCain for that matter. And his sentences scan.

Palin actually showed up with some chop. Stealthy. No, her sentences don't scan well, and that's worrisome. But, it turns out she's not a shiny afterthought and mere dishy campaign tactic.

Athena. Think Athena, because that's who this woman is.

When she didn't answer the questions, she took the opportunity to preach to the patriarchal choir, or try to scare us to death (... our grandchildren about back in the day when we were free -- where I take her point about making America as we live it, but come on.)

Break's over. There's serious politicking to do now. The Right just got the shot in the arm it was looking for.

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