His Holiness the Dalai Lama once pointed out:
if we spent as much on peace as we do on war, we would have peace.
You want a culture of life? Build it.
For instance, here's an idea. Put solar panels on the rooves of every single non-historical and non-religious building in the US, including the houses and apartments and strip malls and high rises and gas stations (oooh, and those flat rooves over the gas pumps! those too) -- all of them. And wire those puppies into the grid.
An engineer friend has tried to tell me that this would be too expensive to be practicable. Really?
And all that fiber optic cable and those satelites that make this internet on which I write to you know, that was a blue light special?
No, that was an act of will, of private and public investment, and only took about what?, six years? Including the the massive lines running under the ocean?
Give the private buildings a free share of the electricity. Make the installation and upkeep a regular part of our spending, weave it into a gas tax, or a coal tax, or a fast food tax, or an abuse tax (sure, make Jack and Jackies who hurt others pay for it in their taxes, why not, the results of their actions become a public problem eventually and require public monies to ameliorate -- not that we really do that), or a general moronic culture of death behavior tax.
C'mon. Creating a culture of life and an infrastructer of life is not that hard. It just takes a firm decision. And we're good at those, lately.
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