by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


It's NOT that he's gay

It's working in Virginia, according to the NYT. Now, here's an idea. Let's someone publish some studies, they must already exist, that show the homosexuals are not any more "obsessed with sex" than heterosexuals -- who, too look around the entertainment cultures, are pretty obsessed with sex, and in a rather adolescent way. Let's someone publish the studies, write the article, on pedophiles that shows that the whopping majority of them identify as "straight". It is NOT, not, NOT a common and liassez faire aspect of "the lifestyle" to harass and seduce boys, or girls. But, for those of you who don't know and wouldn't bother to actually acquaint yourselves with your "enemy" (all those scary fags and dykes with their ICBMs and their desire to destroy democracy, being the replacement for the Soviets as they are in your ideology of fear w/o knowledge), you might want to know your enemy. That way your friends can't make up convenient lies about them and delude you into a false sense of righteousness. You poor, poor saps.

Still, you spinners found gold even in this embarrassment. The story is not that the Republicans, As A Party, thought a congressional district in Florida was more important than the ethics and
propriety of congresspersons or the mental and sexual health of patriotic young adults and teens who come help you people get your job done For Free. No, it's not about that cynical, crass, and obvious interest in power over the well-being of people. That's not the story at all. --- Nice job, Jack.

As for all that: he's been one of the most closeted men I've ever seen. Married, kids, working for the party that hates an aspect of his person. There's not much way around something as essential as one's sexuality, and when it can't be honored, when it's demonized, when that sexuality could be about loving and generous exchange between adults, then it comes out sideways, twisted up, and damaging. -- And it's not all about sex either. Foley's
IMs and emails sound like some awkward boy trying to impress another awkward boy. Why? Because his ability to love as he should was truncated, marred, repressed, and never had a chance to grow up.

And we really couldn't educate people about sexuality, about love, about molestation on the Front End. No. That would be too obvious. What we do is punish molesters on the back end and let the victims fend for themselves. Who, often but not always, grow up to be molestors because their sexual wiring is smashed all out whack by the predator who damaged them. But that, that's fine with you and your values. OK.

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