by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."



"I see void boxes. (pause) I see them everywhere." Seriously, have hit that stage of move-prep in which objects are no longer interpreted on the aesthetic/useful or the sentimental/impulse-buy binary, but on the easy-to-box/~ easy-to-box binary, the keep/ditch, the will -need/just-like, the give-to-X/donate/trash. V. alienating. But, my goal is to become a bit alien, now, isn't it?? Am considering moving with what Fleur de Bretange (Mom) calls The Pod People. She says this w/o irony or any subset of irony as rhetorical category. Am examining said pods (8x8x9' crates) this week to determine number required for possessions. Need physical example in order to image packing strategy, as everything will need to be boxed in order sit well in these pods. Was Not Good at geometry in school. Moving = scary movie references, yep. Do other people go through this stage of personal abstraction in a move?

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