Shin Yu had this meme on her blog/pillow book, where she linked it back to Lee Herrick. Here we go.
Five things in my freezer:
1. Frozen edamame (frozen, of course)
2. Blueberries
3. Lime popsicles
4. Raspberry sorbet
5. Batteries
Five things in my car:
1. XM radio equippment
2. Hole where my radio should be
3. Plastic grocery bags to reuse, cloth bags
4. Beach chair
5. WordSpace posters to put up TOday
Five things in my closet:
1. Velvet opera coat
2. Grandma's western boots
3. Chinese ottoman (hehe): re-spring/reupholster
4. Short step ladder
5. Photocopied books from impoverished reading-for-comps-PhD-Candidate days
Five books/mags on my nightstand:
1. Literary Imagination (journal, yay)
2. Ethics (Badiou, pfft)
3. Violence and the Sacred, Girard (yay)
4. La metaphore vive, Ricoeur (yay!)
5. The 100 Most Dangerous Professors in America, Horowitz (chicken little)
Let's add one to get five:
Five items on my desk:
1. Digital Camera, in need of download
2. Moroccan box with bones of sacrificed bird (?) discovered in Oak Cliff (the bird, not the box)
3. I Ching, stick-method (bbq skewers work well)
4. Plastic figure of Yoda, "There is no try, only do."
5. The Harbrace Writer's Handbook (same motto there)
Bird Bones:

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