by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Success of Friends, and new reading

1. Shutterbug Absolute link over there takes you to the gallery of a marvelous photographer. Let him take your pictures. Hell, let him design your website, poster, shoes. He's astonishing. He's developing. He's coming along and you want him to make you look good. Also can be found at www.iagreewithjason.com. He took this shot of me when I wasn't looking. I was listening to Robert Trammell read from Glances earlier this spring.

2. Edge: The Third Culture. If you want to read where some of the most forward looking minds in science, art, literature, and culture are publishing, look here. I just now found this site, and plan to spend a good deal of my free time there.

3. Shin Yu Pai's poetry is being installed in the DMA along with one (or more) of Calder's giant, magical mobiles. The installation opens this weekend. Get your happy ass over there. Here's what Shin Yu has to say about it:
In other Museum-related news, Capturing Motion opened this weekend. Kort and I stopped at the DMA before the A-KON conference and got to see my poem "Flower, 1949" installed in the galleries. The visual text is on a green background, with the text in blue, red, and black. The poem is on the left wall of the gallery, while the other two walls, behind and to the right of the Alex Calder sculpture are white. I will get some digital snaps from the Museum at some point, but what was interesting were the branches of the sculpture which framed the stanzas of the poem in such a way that it seemed more than coincidence or a happy accident. The lighting of the sculpture produced round discs on the floor of the gallery which mirrored the movement of the poem text as well. Other artworks included in the show are two Berenice Abbot photographs, a John Pomara painting, a Roy Lichtenstein and a few other pieces. Find out more about it here.
Something for me to marvel this weekend, yippeeee! Many congratulations, SY.


Shin Yu Pai said...

Thanks for the mention. That's a great photo of you at what must have been the Poor David's reading in late March? Dig those mala beads.

PMRSC said...

Thanks for the mention? You're are very good at humility, dear woman. Your poem is in a museum with Calder...., you don't need my help.

Maybe the photo was last fall? Somewhere in the last several months.

Thanks about the beads. I'm fixin to do a turn or two around em this afternoon. I'll be forgiving the the troll whose comment on this was, "God your ugly," for his syntax.

I'm hoping to get out from under and go to DMA this weekend.