by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


Earthly Ressurection

I was thinking alllllll Day about ressurection, transformation, rebirth, renaissance, &soforth. This whole year is that for me what with the Epiphanic Strategic Revsion of Life Plan and all. But here are my mini re-'s and transformations of the day: 1, I resolve to get my Monday 1 pm class back on the rails. We don't like each other. They won't play, and I'm on the only factor in that equation responsible for changing the zeitgeist of that class. 2, My computer is completely updated and I now know how to create a music library. (no giggling or smirking! *glowers ironically* i don't jump on new tech, i learn new tech when i need it) 3. I pitched (recycled) a WHOLE BUNCH of paper items. Thus clearing space for the ever renewable supply of paper items in my life. Not exactly transcendental break through, but moves nonethelesssssss. May your Passover/Easter Holy Week light you with fires whose shadows and glimmers are your future selves.

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