by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


CoL VII: Archbishop Describes Bush Admin.

Archbishop Comastri has written: “Lord, we have lost our sense of sin. Today a slick campaign of propaganda is spreading an inane apologia of evil, a senseless cult of Satan, a mindless desire for transgression, a dishonest and frivolous freedom, exalting impulsiveness, immorality and selfishness as if they were new heights of sophistication."...Shakti-mode meditation:I'd say Mammon -- greedy money god. I'm with Ginsberg here. Satan, let us recall, was in rebellion for a what he considered God's betrayl of the angels when He fell in love with us mortals more than his angels who had spent an eternity already loving, praising, singing to God in their ranks of millions. Seems even God wanted to do it the hard way and convince us feckless humans to be angels. Not apology for the evil of Satan. I don't like sin and abuse and evil either, but I have some sympathy for Satan (the morning star, Venus, the most beautiful of all the angels, most beloved of God) as a literary character. So let's look at him allegorically for a second. He wanted what Cain wanted and Jacob wanted that his brother stole from him, and everybody in the Old Testaments wants and can't quite get without playing a bunch of headgames with the Lord. God's LOVE. His Blessing. And He is very stingy with his blessing in the OT. Thus, Jesus, a brilliant mystic of the heart, died to be transformed into the Christ, so we could all get some blessing. Granted, Satan went/is going about seeking that love in all the codependent and passive aggressive ways that most helpless vicitims of uncontrolled desire do. And granted, we did not create the social and economic arrangements that would reflect this new and generalized blessing that the stations of the cross remind us that Jesus suffered so terribly for. So, here's to those who are still trying.

Kali-mode playing with connotation: Now, as to Bush Et Allus: The whole neocon "rational" = apologia for evil; senseless cult of (Mammon) = an economic policy and a war (or two) intended largely to make the rich richer and keep all that nasty oil flowing for the people who wrote off thier H2s as business expenses; mindless desire for transgression = invasion/imperlialism; a dishonset and frivolous freedom = equating the mere presence of elections with a robust democracy; exhalting impulsiveness = see Iraq and now the "no option is off the table" re: Iran. MY MY, but didn't I live through this in reverse when I was a kid????; immorality and selfishness as if they were the new heights of sophistication = free market (ie: laissez faire) capitalism, Iraq, not signing the Kyoto Agreement, cutting social services to pay for the war, and well, every single decision this Neo-Patriarchy has taken. Fuckwits. Classic ideologists: "Facts? What facts, Jack? I have power. I have ideas. I have BELIEFS. This is my Government, and I'll do with it whatever I want. Elections are a good way off, and mean rather little to me anyway. I don't need your petty little facts. Now, get into the cell. The Interogator will be by eventually. You'll talk to him about your predcious facts. But, it could be a few years, so get comfy."

Kali-Shakit good wish:Ok, today is the day of the alchemy that made Jesus into Christ. So, let me get off my Kali-mode highhorse for a second and say this: Today is the day to think about how to work some spiritual alchemy in ourselves. For what highest and most noble purpose do you (and I) want to transform ourselves? Create the first thoughts, make the first moves today. Do not wait. Do not resist your work as Satan did, do not rebell against the work of spirit or love. But do as Satan did: rebell against what betrays your soul, against what kills your love and your generosity. (I know, Satan messed that part up, I know, you literallists, I'm speaking allegorically here!) Embrace your alchemy as Jesus did, the way that caterpillars do, and begin your transformation. Cook yourself to a new rawness.

1 comment:

PMRSC said...

Sharon emailed with this, which just blisses me completely out!

Beloved Si--

Yes, and let us live ourselves into the redeemed vision to see those who cling to the tatters of materialism --including our own dear selves, as it happens we're part of This Earth at This Time-- as the distracted and despairing and ASHAMED, whose own sacred nakedness, lambently latent and mostly unknowing/a-carnal, longs for the silent turn of consciousness in a shedding/lifting embrace.

As our siblings' keepers, do we hold an image of that potential luminosity-enfleshed with tenderness in the midst of our outrage and in suffering the broken trees and sullied seas and the waste-waste-waste of life? Were we there when we/they/we crucified our Lord?

With Love, from Your Sister and Friend, in Christo-Sophia and All That Is Radically Receptive, Silent-and-Singing, (en)During an Amazing Season of Redemption,
