by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


CoL IX: Feminist Semiotics 101

Class, what are the subtexts of this billboard? I saw this yesterday on Preston, on my way to work, and thought of us. Since we're seeking a way to create a real culture of life in practice and not just in rhetoric, we must consider the semiotics of our everyday world, because that will have to change too. Here's the text: Top Right: Name of Jeweler. Middle by the Hand: Cusotm jewerly, certified diamonds, etc. Bottom: Exclusive, Exquisite, YET deliciously affordable. In the woman's hands, about to be popped into her fully open mouth, is a diamond of about 30ct. So, what do you see, and what are you supposed to "also see" in this image? Remember to think connotatively of other images that this one conjures up for us.

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