by PostModernity's Red-Headed Step-Child

"Um, yeh, like, I'd like to exchange this paradigm? It's tew scratch-ehy."


CoL: Boys not in crisis

Facts are nice things. Tess' posted this. And to her notes I add: yes, do let's de-emphasize verbal skills for boys in school. Because that will really help them to communicate with their future partners, reduce the rates of heartbreak/divorce, and help them to raise intelligent sons capable of leadership.

Get this people: men and women are different. Yes, our brains are slightly different. And you know what? We are also capable of LEARNING. Women can learn the rules of football. Men can learn to talk about their inner lives and their relationships. Women can learn to lead armies, repair engines and rebuild cars, kill on command (or at will). And men can learn to change diapers, read to children, and make love in a loving and generous way. Really, it's been done.

It's a world that does not seek to lose the calcifications of the past, a world that does not want humans at their full power, a world that essentially and deeply fears both women and change that suggests such "fixes" for "problems".

But, that said, ALL CHILDREN would be mentally, physically, and spiritually better off with more recess and play time than they now get in schools. ALL CHILDREN need a break in the day to work off all that extra energy. Duh. They're kids.

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